Monthly Archives: February 2009

My marimo balls are on their way

My supplier informed me that the shipment was sent yesterday. Can you imagine the anticipation? I’ve got three jars ready for them but I don’t think it is enough space…

I’m hoping they will arrive at the end of the week. That will give me time to set up the jars and to write more about them during the weekend.

Watch this space.

Help me do a survey

I’ve got to do a survey on the topic: Does the texture in the photographs make them more visually appealing?

Here is the link: link removed

I have to get about 50 responses and I have just 7 so far.

The deadline is Sunday evening 8pm (Singapore time), Sunday 7am (Texas time). Thanks.

Added on Monday 23 February : My thanks to those who responded. I’ve received 61 responses. 🙂

I bought more Marimo Moss Balls!

It has been two years since I last got some. Sold some, some died (water too hot) and six I kept in the office. Stay tune for an update.

This is a picture of the six surviving marimos who are currently living in my office.


Here is a close-up of two marimos. They are pearling (having oxygen bubbles)

I may put some of my newest batch for sale. It all depends if I want to keep them. When you see them up close and personal, you will know why I love them so much.

If you are living in Singapore/Malaysia and would like to meet up, let me know. There might be a gardening group gathering next month and we can meet up then.

In the meantime, I am preparing to write another article on them so if you have any questions you would like to ask, please ask them via the comment function.

Updated: For the reader from RI which I take it means Rhode Island, you can get Marimos from Ebay. For those living in Singapore, you can get them from Aquariums at Tiong Bahru, Clementi and Serangoon North. Or you can get them from me. I’ll post when I get delivery of my marimos. I may pop by Serangoon North these couple of days, I’m looking for a 3″-4″ marimo. 🙂

Note (28 March 2011): My apologies to those who have posted comments to my Marimos entry and not received any replies for donkey years. Been horribly busy and my email froze up on me for six weeks. Just got it fixed. Watch out for more Marimo related stuff. I have very few marimos left for sale but am looking into getting more. Watch out for me at Hortpark in May (I think). If you can’t wait email me. See ya!